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Cheat semua bangunan CLASH OF CLANS max level

Here are the newest hack :9

"All Buildings to Max Lvl" for clash of clans 
ver 6.186.3
Buka root, dan copykan data yang sudah di download ke:

folder :/data/data/com.supercell.clashofclans/u­pdate/
Copy Here the buildings.csv
Set Permissions from rwx rwx --- to rwx rwx rwx
lalu nyalakan ulang clash of clan kalian

selamat mencoba. * ANDROID KAMU HARUS DI ROOT DULU untuk mengcopy filenya

By Pacokill

Mirror 1:http://www.mediafire.com/download/6gj...

Mirror 2:http://www.gamefront.com/files/243529...

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:) the next hack is a Secret.
Tag : COC
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